Google March 2019 Algorithm Update - What Changed

Google March 2019 Algorithm Update – What Changed?

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Google consistently updates its search ranking algorithm to ensure that its users receive the best and most thorough search results at all times. The search engine is always evaluating consumer behavior and interactions to determine what type of content is most desirable, which website designs are the easiest to navigate, and what users really want when searching a particular topic or key phrase to better its own consumer service (search results).

As this constant analysis takes places, it triggers minor and sometimes major changes in the algorithm that all websites are subject to when attempting to rank favorably in front of their target audience. Here’s what changed in the update March 2019.

March 2019 Algorithm Update: Content is King

The biggest takeaway from the algorithm update in March 2019 is that quality content impacts your site rankings the most.

Why content?

Content has a flickering history of importance in Google’s search ranking algorithm; sometimes the emphasis is on how content is presented, other times, the focus is on including keywords or key search term phrases. But now, extensive algorithm analysis has declared emphasis on content quality.

As consumers shift more and more of their lives online, they rely on websites to inform them, entertain them, and to educate them. They expect a website to show up like a newspaper used to land on a doorstep or how a coffee shop keeps its doors open each day: reliable, open, and full of new details to share.

content marketing

All forms of content are included

The update calls for a quality check-up on all types of content associated with your brand, including:

  • blog posts
  • social media
  • forums
  • press releases
  • email

How does this affect my website?

If the content is fluffy, search rankings will suffer. If your content is not well-produced, well-written, engaging (meaning it generates interactions via comments, shares, and responses), informative and educational, expect to see a hit in your rankings.

How can I help my website?

  • Protect and improve your rankings through quality content. On the flip side of the update, an opportunity is available to increase your ranking position by including regularly published quality content.
  • Follow a content schedule. When producing new, original content, mind that publications are optimized for current SEO design standards and follow a publication timeline or schedule. The consistency of your publications lets Google and users know that you are committed to providing a reliable content hub.
  • Refresh simple content. If you have content on your site or in previous blog posts that fluffy but well-ranked, revamp it now. Take the opportunity to elaborate and expand on topics that were previously presented in 300 words or less. Consider creating longer written pieces or including additional moving media elements.
  • Maintain and increase quality content with goals in mind. As you refresh old content and produce new content, keep the following objectives as goals:
    • Generate higher consumer time on-site
    • Increase page views per visit
    • Lower bounce rates

Work with a professional SEO company

Keeping track of Google algorithm shifts and changes is a tedious, time-consuming task, but it is one that will reward your online marketing immensely. The best way to keep track of algorithm updates and to implement the changes in your site accordingly is to hire an experienced, professional SEO team.

Are you ready to capitalize on your SEO efforts? Reach out to our incredible marketing team at Executive Digital to learn more about our services and get started with the most recent Google algorithm changes, today.


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